
Podcast Episode #3

Unfortunately, millions of American children live today in a home without the physical presence of a father. The data gathered from The National Center for Fathering shows, Fatherlessness is the most significant social problem facing America today. The effects on America’s youth are startling: ·      71% of all high school dropouts come from fatherless homes.

·       71% of all pregnant teenagers, 85% of all children with behavioral disorders, and

·       90% of all homeless and runaway children come from fatherless homes.

·       63% of youth suicides come from fatherless homes

·       85% of all youth in prisons come from fatherless homes.

Now, more than ever, children need wake up every morning knowing that they have a Father.  His name is God.  He is always with us and He promises to never leave us.  He created us and He loves everyone of us.  God’s promises, recorded in His Word, the Bible are forever and forever.  Please continue watching our podcast video to learn more about the great future plans our Father God has for all of us.

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